
The File

Make sure you read the introduction to the autotools first. Here you can find the full autoconf documentation.

The purpose of the configuration script is to test for everything required for the compilation of the project’s source code and assemble the necessary information to set up all Makefiles.

General Concepts

Autoconf works by running the macro expansion program m4 using the file as input. This file contains macros that are expanded (recursively) to produce the configure file, a pure sh shell script. The input file can also contain sh commands, which will appear literally in the final configure script.

Everything in a line following a “#” is a comment. Comments are usually copied into the generated configure script unless the line starts with at least two “#” characters.

By convention, macro names are capitalized and start with AC_ if the macro is an autoconf macro, AX_ if it’s an autoconf-archive macro, and AM_ if it’s an automake macro. We provide additional custom macros for COIN-OR configuration (in the files coin*.m4), which start with AC_COIN_. In the autoconf documentation and autoconf-archive documentation you can find descriptions of the predefined autoconf macros.

Like subroutines, macros can be written to have parameters and can be invoked with arguments for those parameters. Parameters and arguments are separated by commas. The quotation symbols for autoconf are the square brackets “[” and “]”. If a single argument contains a comma, the argument must be quoted by enclosing it in brackets. If in doubt, use quotation. If a macro is written to use four parameters, but only two arguments are provided, the last two parameters are assumed to be unset (equivalent to an argument of []).

It is possible (indeed, common) to give a shell command as an argument for a macro. Don’t forget that autoconf and automake only perform macro expansion. Shell commands given as arguments to macros are just text strings to autoconf. The shell command will not be executed until the generated configure script is executed. This is a feature!

Most COIN-OR macros expect literal strings as arguments. If you’re trying to do clever things with shell variable expansion or shell commands, you probably want to fall back to the underlying autoconf macros. Read the autoconf documentation and the COIN-OR macro source files to understand the limitations.

The Beginning of a File

At the beginning of a file in COIN-OR you will find something like the following:

## Copyright (C) 2011 International Icecream Machines.
# All Rights Reserved.
# This file is distributed under the Eclipse Public License 2.0.
# Author:  John Doe                     IIM    2011-04-01

#                       Names and other basic things                        #


Copyright 2011 International Icecream Machines and others.
All Rights Reserved.
This file is part of the open source package COIN-OR which is distributed
under the Eclipse Public License 2.0.])

# List one file in the package so that the configure script can test
# whether the package is actually there

# Do some project-level initialization work (version numbers, ...)

The Body of a File

After the initialization described above, usually contains a number of macros that will be expanded into the tests that are to be run by the configure script. In general, one

Autoconf output variables used for substitution in Makefiles, header files, and other output files generated during configuration are created by invoking the **AC_SUBST macro. The value of the output variable will be the value of the corresponding shell variable in the configure script. For example,

ONEVAR="value1 and maybe a few more"

AC_SUBST(TWOVAR,["value2 and yet more"])

The sh shell does not allow spaces before and after the ‘=’ character!

In order to include a “#define” into the configuration header file that the configure script is going to create, one uses the AC_DEFINE and AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED macros.

See the autoconf and automake documentation for the full explanation of how variables are substituted into the files generated during configuration.

A primary goal of COIN-OR configuration is to assemble sets of output variables specifying the compiler and linker flags necessary to build a component of a project (library or executable) from subcomponents. COIN-OR provides macros AC_COIN_CHK_PKG and AC_COIN_CHK_LIBHDR (described in later sections) that check for the presence of subcomponents and record the information required to use them. For a component X, up to four autoconf output variables may be created:

Note the subtle difference between X_DATA and the other variables. X_DATA records the location of data supplied by X. The other variables record information about subcomponents required to build X.

Borrowing from a later example, the Clp library requires the COIN-OR project CoinUtils and can be built with MUMPS as an optional subcomponent. If you look at config.log, you can see

For a subcomponent Z, the AC_COIN_CHK_PKG and AC_COIN_CHK_LIBHDR macros also provide a standard set of configure command line parameters:

If Z provides only data, --with-Z-cflags and --with-Z-lflags are not provided as command line parameters. If Z does not provide data, --with-Z-data is not provided as a command line parameter.

Again borrowing from the configuration of the Clp library, configure provides the command line parameters

As the author of a file, you can specify default compilation flags, link flags, and data locations. Explicit use of the command line parameters --with-Z-cflags=string, --with-Z-lflags=string, or --with-Z-data=string allows a user to override these defaults. As a nod to common usage, if a string given as --with-Z=string is anything other than yes or no, it is interpreted as if the user specified

--with-Z --with-Z-lflags=string

As a special case, if Z supplies only data, --with-Z=string is interpreted as

--with-Z --with-Z-data=string

As the author of a file, you can specify whether a subcomponent Z should be used by default or skipped by default. This default choice can be altered at configuration time in the following ways:

In the following we describe the individual parts of the file body in more detail and present examples.

Initialization of Tools and Compilers

This part usually looks like this:

#                         Standard build tool stuff                         #

# Get the name of the C, C++, and Fortran compilers and appropriate compiler options.

# If there is a Fortran compiler, then setup everything to use it, including F77_FUNC
if test -n "$F77" ; then

# Initialize libtool

# set RPATH_FLAGS to the compiler link flags required to hardcode location
# of the shared objects (expanded_libdir is set somewhere in configure before)

# Get the C++ runtime libraries in case we want to link a static library
# with a C or Fortran compiler

# Doxygen


Check for Packages

Many software components (including COIN-OR projects) provide specification files (extension .pc) for use with the pkgconf (previously, pkg-config) utility. The AC_COIN_CHK_PKG macro described in this section can be used to check for subcomponents that define a .pc file. Components that supply a .pc file are often referred to as packages.

This part looks like this:

AC_COIN_CHK_PKG(CoinUtils,[ClpLib OsiClpUnitTest])
if test $coin_has_coinutils != yes ; then
  AC_MSG_ERROR([Required package CoinUtils not available.])
AC_COIN_CHK_PKG(Osi,[OsiClpLib OsiClpUnitTest])

For each subcomponent that is required to build a component (library or program) in this project (including unit tests and example programs), we list their names as arguments of an invocation of AC_COIN_CHK_PKG. This example is taken from the file for Clp. Clp builds a number of components; three, named ClpLib, OsiClpLib, and OsiClpUnitTest, are involved here.

All arguments should be literal strings. The arguments have the following meaning:

  1. The first argument is the name of the subcomponent (package) to be located.
  2. The second argument specifies the components being built (libraries or executable binaries) which require the first argument as a subcomponent.
  3. The third argument specifies the name of the pkgconf file associated with the subcomponent, without the .pc extension. If the third argument is not given, it defaults to the name of the subcomponent, in lower case, e.g., osi. The argument is passed unchanged to pkgconf so it is possible to specify version requirements, e.g., [coinutils >= 2.11], which pkgconf can use to check that the right version of CoinUtils is available. It is also possible to specify multiple .pc files, e.g., [coinutils >= 2.11 osi]; in this case, the name given as the first argument really does refer to a package of subcomponents. However, specifying multiple .pc files can make it difficult to determine which subcomponent is responsible for failure.
  4. The fourth argument specifies the default usage for the subcomponent, one of the strings default_use or default_skip. Most often, configuration is checking for a subcomponent because its use is beneficial, hence the default for this argument is default_use. Occasionally, it may be useful to define a check with default_skip. This will make configure command line arguments (described above) available to the user, who can then require the subcomponent be used if desired.

  5. The fifth argument can be one of the strings nodata, dataonly, or both. If the subcomponent provides a library or application but no data, nodata (the default) is appropriate. If the subcomponent provides only data (e.g.,Sample and Netlib), use dataonly. If the subcomponent provides both, specify both. This is used to reduce the number of configure command line options (--with-Z-*) created by this macro.

The names used in the first and second arguments can be anything that’s useful for a human. They are just strings and have no additional meaning other than occasional use as defaults (e.g., construction of a default .pc file name from the first argument).

The general behaviour of AC_COIN_CHK_PKG with respect to creation of variables and command line options is as described earlier.

If any of the configure command line options --with-Z-cflags, --with-Z-lflags, or --with-Z-data are specified, AC_COIN_CHK_PKG will not check them for correctness and will ignore the .pc file. It assumes the user knows what they are doing and declares the subcomponent found.

If pkgconf is available, it is used to check for the existence of the specified subcomponent using the third argument. For the pkgconf call, the search path for .pc files is prefixed with the pkgconfig subdirectory of the library installation directory of the project, i.e., $libdir/pkgconfig, to simplify the build and installation of a series of projects under the same $prefix.

If pkgconf is not present, the macro issues a warning and declares the subcomponent not found.

If the subcomponent is declared found (either via pkgconf or because configure command line flags were given), a number of variables are setup. In the variable names below, PROJECT is replaced by the name of the project being configured (from the first argument to AC_INIT), capitalised. SUB is replaced by the name of the subcomponent (the first argument to AC_COIN_CHK_PKG), capitalised, and sub is replaced by the name of the subcomponent, in lower case.

Note that information about compilation and link flags held in .pc files has not been added to the various X_CFLAGS and X_LFLAGS variables. The variables X_CFLAGS and X_LFLAGS are updated at a later point by the macro AC_COIN_FINALIZE_FLAGS.

In the example, the following automake-conditionals for use in Makefiles are created:

The values of the X_PCFILES variables would be

If the subcomponent is not found, the configuration does not end with an error. It sets up variables to indicate the package is not present:

As in the example above, the variable coin_has_sub can be used in to check whether a package is found and stop with an error if a required package is not found. In the example, CoinUtils is required, while Osi, OsiTests, Sample, and Netlib are optional.

Check for Libraries

For libraries that do not provide a .pc file, or where an explicit test for usability is required, the macro AC_COIN_CHK_LIB is appropriate. It sets up the same variables and #defines as AC_COIN_CHK_PKG. In addition, it can run compilation and linkage tests to ensure that the library is usable.

A typical invocation looks like this:

  [-L${MKLROOT}/lib/intel64 -lmkl_intel_ilp64 -lmkl_sequential -lmkl_core],
  [-DMKL_ILP64 -m64 -I${MKLROOT}/include],[],

All arguments should be literal strings. The arguments have the following meaning:

  1. The first argument is the name of the subcomponent (library) to be located.
  2. The second argument specifies the components being built (libraries or executable binaries) which require this library as a subcomponent.
  3. The third argument specifies a default set of flags to use to link against the library.
  4. The fourth argument specifies a default set of flags to use to compile against the library package.
  5. The fifth argument specifies the default location for data supplied by the subcomponent.
  6. The sixth argument specifies the name of a C function provided by the library. If a function name is given, it will be used with the link flags specified in the third argument to check that it is possible to link against the library.
  7. The seventh argument specifies a header file used when compiling code that uses the library. If a header file name is given, it will be used with the compilation flags to check that it is possible to compile the header.
  8. The eighth argument (not shown above) specifies the default usage for the library, as described for AC_COIN_CHK_PKG.
  9. The ninth argument (not shown above) specifies whether the subcomponent provides just the library, just data, or both, as described for AC_COIN_CHK_PKG.

Link and compile tests are run only if the sixth and seventh arguments, respectively, are present. The link test redeclares the function as void with no arguments (for the example above, void dgemm()). The compile test checks that the header alone can be compiled. The library will be declared as not found if any test fails. If the function name and header file name are both absent, no tests are performed and the macro will declare the library as found.

As with AC_COIN_CHK_PKG, the user can override the default usage, compile flags, link flags, or data directory from the configure command line. However, link and compile checks, if requested, are still performed using the user-specified flags and their results determine whether the subcomponent is declared to be found or not found.

After completion of the tests, variables are setup in the same way as for AC_COIN_CHK_PKG, with the exception that X_PCFILES is not created or modified by AC_COIN_CHK_LIB.

The AC_COIN_CHK_LIB macro is a wrapper for a more flexible macro, AC_COIN_CHK_LIBHDR, which provides the additional ability to run a combined link check using code prologue and code body arguments specified by the user. As an illustration, this call of AC_COIN_CHK_LIBHDR is equivalent to the example call of AC_COIN_CHK_LIB shown above.

  [-L${MKLROOT}/lib/intel64 -lmkl_intel_ilp64 -lmkl_sequential -lmkl_core],
  [-DMKL_ILP64 -m64 -I${MKLROOT}/include],[],
  [#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
void dgemm() ;

int main () {
dgemm() ;
return (0) ; }],[#include "mkl.h"],[separate default_use])

The first five arguments are exactly as for AC_COIN_CHK_LIB.

The eighth argument is augmented with two new keywords, separate and together.

AC_COIN_CHK_LIBHDR assumes that if both the code prologue and code body are present it should use both for the link check. In the example above, separate is necessary to avoid including the code prologue as part of the code used in the link check.

Here’s an example invocation asking for a link check that combines the seventh (code prologue) and sixth (code body) arguments.

  [-L${MKLROOT}/lib/intel64 -lmkl_intel_ilp64 -lmkl_sequential -lmkl_core],
  [-DMKL_ILP64 -m64 -I${MKLROOT}/include],[],
  [const char *transa, *transb ;
   const double *dummy1, *dummy2, *dummy3, *dummy4 ;
   double *dummy5 ;
   const MKL_INT *n, *m, *k, *l, *p, *q ;
   dgemm(transa,transb,n,m,k,dummy1,dummy2,l,dummy3,p,dummy4,dummy5,q) ;],
  [#include "mkl.h"])

The eighth and ninth arguments are omitted here. Their defaults, together default_use and nodata, are correct for this case.

As an alternate explanation, useful for those familiar with the underlying autoconf macros, a simplified version of the code used in the underlying compile check is

AC_LANG_PROGRAM([seventh argument],[])

A simplified version of the code used in the underlying separate link check is

AC_LANG_SOURCE([sixth argument])

and a simplified version of the code used in the underlying combined link check is

AC_LANG_PROGRAM([seventh argument],[sixth argument])

Using One Project Component in Another

It often happens that one component of the project being built uses another component of the same project as a subcomponent. The macro AC_COIN_CHK_HERE is intended for exactly this use. Here’s an example

AC_COIN_FINALIZE_FLAGS([ClpLib OsiClpLib OsiClpUnitTest])

All arguments should be literal strings. The arguments have the following meanings:

  1. The first argument is the name of the project component to be used.
  2. The second argument specifies the components being built which require the first argument as a subcomponent.
  3. The third argument specifies the name of the pkgconf file associated with the project component specified in the first argument, without the .pc extension. If the third argument is not given, it defaults to the name of the subcomponent, in lower case.

Unlike AC_COIN_CHK_PKG, the third argument is not interpreted by pkgconf. A simple file name is all that’s allowed here.

The reader might have wondered, in the examples above, why the OSI layer for clp (OsiClpLib) didn’t depend on the base clp library (ClpLib). And there is definitely a .pc file, clp.pc, created so that other code can find and use the clp library. Unfortunately, clp.pc will not be created until the end of configuration and it will not be installed until make install is run, long after the completion of configuration, so AC_COIN_CHK_PKG cannot be used. Similarly for, so AC_COIN_CHK_LIB cannot be used.

However, all the necessary information — compilation flags, link flags, and the name clp.pc — are readily available during the execution of the configure script. AC_COIN_CHK_HERE finds this information and augments the variables X_CFLAGS, X_FLAGS, and X_PCFILES for the components X listed in the second argument.

For technical reasons (see the description of AC_COIN_FINALIZE_FLAGS below), this macro needs to be run after AC_COIN_FINALIZE_FLAGS is run on the component specified in the first argument. (In a nutshell, we don’t want pkgconf looking for a non-existent .pc file.)

Checks for some specific System Libraries

Checks for Math Library, ZLib, BZlib, Readline, and GMP

Special COIN-OR macros are available to check for often used libraries:

Each macro expects as its argument a list of components being built to which this dependency applies, as described for the second argument of AC_COIN_CHK_PKG. For example,


If the package is available, it adds the flags required for linking to the X_LFLAGS variable for each component in the argument. The X_CFLAGS variable is not modified as it’s assumed that the header files are in a standard system location. Except for AC_COIN_CHK_LIBM, the macros also

Check for LAPACK

For Lapack, a customized macro AC_COIN_CHK_LAPACK has been setup.

If a user did not specify flags for linking against Lapack using the configure command line flags --with-lapack or --with-lapack-lflags, the macro checks for installed versions of Lapack on the system. The first checks are for optimised versions that may be found on specific systems, e.g., Intel MKL on multiple system types, the Accelerate framework on macOS, and the Sun Performance Library on Solaris. If nothing is found, the macro will look for lapack.pc and blas.pc and finally fall back to a generic link check against -llapack -lblas.

The argument for this macro is again a list of components being built that depend on the presence of Lapack. For example,


will add flags to link against Lapack to COINUTILSLIB_LFLAGS.

Additionally, the following variables are setup:

To accommodate the wide range of Lapack implementations, AC_CHK_LAPACK also determines the name mangling convention for Lapack functions and macros PROJECT_LAPACK_FUNC and PROJECT_LAPACK_FUNC_ are added for configuration headers.

A separate macro to check for Blas only has been omitted, but it can be assumed that availablity of Lapack is sufficient to indicate availability of Blas.

Check for LAPACK with 64-bit integers

If AC_COIN_CHK_LAPACK is invoked with int64 as second argument, the checks for available Lapack installations look for version that use integers that are 64-bit wide:

Finalizing compiler and linker flags

AC_COIN_CHK_PKG records the .pc files for subcomponents in variables X_PCFILES. The macro AC_COIN_FINALIZE_FLAGS invokes pkgconf to retrieve the linker and compiler flags from these .pc files and augment the corresponding X_LFLAGS and X_CFLAGS variables. This should be done when all dependencies of a component have been checked, to gain the most benefit from pkgconf’s ability to remove duplicate link and compile flags.

AC_COIN_FINALIZE_FLAGS takes as its single argument a space-separated list of component names X. For each of them:

To continue the example above, using the macro


could lead to the following variable values:

Note that the compiler and linker flags for CoinUtils, as retrieved from coinutils.pc, have been added to CLPLIB_CFLAGS and CLPLIB_LFLAGS, respectively.

Some unit test programs and example programs require input data files. In a VPATH configuration (i.e., the directory where compilation takes place is different from the directory containing the source files) it is important to make sure that links to those data files exist so that the programs can be run in the compilation directory.

To this purpose, the AC_COIN_VPATH_LINK macro should be used for each such file, e.g.,


This macro simply expands to repeated use of the AC_CONFIG_LINKS macro:


Project Specific Tests

If you need to perform other tests, you might need to use further autoconf macros and/or write some /bin/sh code. For this, please consult the autoconf documentation. If your project-specific tests start to obscure the main flow of your, run_autotools supports a project m4 directory. See, for example, the CoinUtils project.

The End of the File

At the end of the file, we need to make sure that the output is written. In COIN-OR, the bottom of the file usually looks like this:

#                   Finish up by writing all the output                   #

# Here list all the files that configure should create (except for the
# configuration header file)

# Here put the location and name of the configuration header file
AC_CONFIG_HEADER([inc/config.h inc/config_supersolver.h])

# Finally, we let configure write all the output...